The mission of Newton County STEAM Academy is to provide educational excellence for all students.
NCSA Vision: All students will be well-rounded and prepared for the future.
NCSA Belief Statements:
1. With students, teachers, families, staff, and community working together, students will reach their full potential.
2. Positive relationships and attitudes are the keys to success for every child.
3. Every child can learn and rise to high expectations.
Below are links to other important information concerning our school.
Faculty and Staff
Dress Code
Parent Contract
The STEAM Academy in Newton County provides school choice within the Newton County School System. In order to be a part of Newton County STEAM Academy, students and parents must make a commitment to adhere to the STEAM Academy contract. This contract includes items such as following a uniform code of dress, an emphasis on increased behavioral expectations and parental reinforcement of the instructional program. Parents are a vital part of the STEAM Academy and are required to contribute 20 hours of volunteer service per school year. These hours do not necessarily need to be completed during school hours and therefore no parent is excluded because of work schedules. In addition to the volunteer hours, parents are expected to partner with the school, ultimately strengthening the educational environment. This home-school partnership includes attending PTO meetings and parent teacher conferences as well as assurance that all homework and projects are completed on time and students are reading daily as required for homework and for sharpening reading skills. During the summer months parents see that children are reading everyday and reviewing mathematical concepts and facts so that gains made during the academic school year are not lost.